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How Often Should I Change The Sand In My Pool Filter?

As the owner of a Hayward Pro Series S180T Sand filter, I certainly did my research before buying this particular filter. But one question that came up often during my research by other pool owners was how often should I change sand in pool filter. Read on

The Best Swimming Pool Alarms Reviews | Pool Safety Alarm

If you’ve read reviews of the top rated pool alarms, you more than likely know that there are several models that are more popular among pool owners and that outperform most competitors. ***SEE THE BEST RATED POOL ALARMS ON AMAZON.COM HERE*** In this guide, we are going

The 5 Best Robotic Pool Cleaners

What are the Best Robotic Pool Cleaners ? There is no doubt about the fact that machines have made our lives easier and much more comfortable. A good example would be robotic pool cleaners, the highly efficient and intelligent little machines that takes care of the task

How To Fix Cloudy Pool Water

It is easy to get frustrated with your swimming pool when you see dull or cloudy water or piles of debris building up on the floor of the pool. The frustration is made worse by the fact that you know how hard it can be to make

When To Shock A Pool

Installing a swimming pool, whether in-ground or above ground, can add immense value and elegance to your home. However, in order to make sure you maximize your usage of the pool during the swimming months, you need to maintain it like a professional by carrying out various

Best Automatic Pressure Pool Cleaners

One of the things I’ve learned from owning a pool is that it can be a real pain to keep it clean. We have many trees around us and we live in a valley where it just seems the wind blows constantly so leaves, dirt and dust

When To Use a Pool Skimmer Sock

For those that have an above ground pool and live in areas where tree leaves, dust and dirt are prevalent, a pool skimmer sock can sometimes be a life saver, especially for sand filter pumps. In my area of Northeast Pennsylvania near our home, we have lots

Hayward S180T Pro Series Sand Filter Review

Needless to say, I’m a big fan of sand filters for above ground pools as they can keep your pool spotless and clear when maintained properly. And speaking of maintenance, sand filters are super easy to maintain and normally there is nothing else for you to buy

How Much Does An Above Ground Pool Installation Cost?

A few years back when we first arrived at the pool store looking to buy an above ground pool, we were presented with a whole bunch of options, many of which were end of season closeouts and what appeared to be great deals. But outside of the